Azure Event Hub Over ExpressRoute Private-Peering

The Challenge – Private Endpoints for Azure Event Hub

Currently, the Microsoft Azure Event Hub service offers only public IP endpoints for device and
client connectivity.  While all communication with Azure Event Hub requires an encrypted TLS/SSL
channel, there are customers who prefer device communication with the Event Hub service to occur
over a private connection. 

There are several important use cases where EventHub would benefit from offering a private
endpoint to devices and clients:

·       Private traffic though ExpressRoute (e.g., factory devices with secure private IPs that use MPLS for Cloud connectivity)
·       Private traffic through a VPN (e.g., remote sensors that use P2S for high security)
·       Devices requiring internal DNS resolution of a PaaS endpoint

The Solution – NGINX as a Private Event Hub Gateway

NGINX (pronounced “engine-x”) is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP server and reverse
proxy.  It is well known for its high performance, stability, rich feature set, simple configuration, and
low resource consumption.

Its applicability to solving this private gateway challenge is as follows:

·       NGNIX is used as an HA scale-out tier that provides a private IP endpoint for Event Hub clients and devices.
·       NGINX is deployed as VMs, VMSS, containers, or even within Azure Service Fabric to fit a variety of scale and automation needs.
·       NGINX can be deployed as a scalable HA tier in the VNet that will offer private IP access to both IaaS and on-prem clients, then will securely forward traffic to the EventHub using ServiceEndpoints. More on this below.

TCP Load Balancing in NGINX

While NGINX is primarily used as a web proxy and HTTP application load balancer, NGNIX also
allows for TCP layer load balancing. TCP load balancing mode is configured in a stream block and
does not need to be configured with TLS certs or keys. In TCP mode, NGINX will forward the TLS
handshake through to the target server, or upstream server, in the NGINX terminology.  For this
architecture, we will use TCP load balancing in NGINX to keep the configuration simple and to
allow secure forwarding for other TCP services, such as AMQPS, which EventHub uses for TLS

Other advantages include:

·       TCP load balancing helps increase performance and lower cost, because NGINX does not need to perform DPI, or deep packet inspection, at the application layer.
·       NGINX can still use an FQDN as an upstream server in the stream block and will resolve DNS against the FQDN before forwarding the connection. In the free, basic version of NGINX, DNS resolution will occur each time NGINX is started. 
·       NGINX Plus can dynamically resolve the upstream FQDN with a variable TTL setting in TCP mode. It prevents dynamic changes of the underlying PaaS Public IP from requiring a restart of the NGINX service.  For a more robust design, you can consider upgrading to receive this functionality.

The Essential Architecture

Virtual Network (VNet) Service Endpoints extends your virtual network private address space, and
the identity of your VNet, to multi-tenant Azure PaaS services over a special NAT tunnel in the
Azure fabric.  Service Endpoints allow you to secure your critical Azure service resources to only
your virtual networks. Traffic from your VNet to the Azure PaaS service always remains on the
Microsoft Azure backbone network.

The key here is the ability to deploy Event Hub with Service Endpoints, while also making these
private PaaS endpoints available over the ExpressRoute private peering. The current limitation of
Service Endpoints is that it is not accessible to on-premise resources.  The NGINX Gateway solution
detailed here provides a proxy solution to allow connectivity from on-premise.  A native solution to
extend a private endpoint on-premise is on the roadmap called Private-link. 

The following diagram illustrates on-premise to cloud communication architecture secured via the
NGINX private gateway hosted in Microsoft Azure. 


Resource group with a VNet and a minimum of two subnets:
·       GatewaySubnet (contains Azure ExpressRoute Gateway, /27 min, /26 recommended)
·       SUBNET_NGINX (contains N NGINX VMs and Azure Internal Load Balancer)

NSGs to provide security:
·       Only allow private IP ranges to SUBNET_NGINX and service-tag of EventHub on service destination ports 443 (HTTPS), and 5671 (AMPQS).
·       NSGs are used to enhance network security in the load balancing and NGINX subnet tiers, exposing just those services needed, and restricting inbound traffic to private ranges only.
·       Other VNet ranges can be added to inbound/outbound rules for increased security within the VNet (not shown below)

Example of inbound NSG rules for SUBNET_NGINX

Example of outbound NSG rules for SUBNET_NGINX

Traffic flow

·       On-Premise devices will resolve an FQDN for their EventHub service, with the A record as the private IP of the Azure Internal Load Balancer (ILB). The real FDQN need only be known to NGINX. This allows for internal/custom DNS applications.
·       Contoso will connect to the ILB via ExpressRoute Private-Peering
·       NSGs applied on subnet will drop any packets that do not match either the private IP of the client device, or the destination service required (HTTPS/AMPQS). 
·       The ILB will load balancing incoming HTTPS or AMQPS traffic across the NGINX tier.
·       NGINX tier will proxy incoming TCP connections to the Event Hub as an upstream server.
·       The Event Hub will check its IP filer and allow the incoming packet if it is a match against the whitelist. Else it will drop the packet.
·       The response will flow back on the open TCP connection, which will be statefully mapped back to the NIC of the NGINX server that owns that connection flow.

Azure Event Hub

·       Azure Event Hub is configured as normal.
·       NGINX will use FQDN of Event Hub as target upstream server in config
·       Event Hub VNet Rules (IP Filters) will be enabled to only allow traffic from SUBNET_NGINX and deny Internet outbound (
·       Event Hub will negotiate TLS Handshakes and certificate auth directly with Event Hub clients and devices. NGINX is using TCP pass-through and does not need to see encrypted payload of TCP segments
·       NGINX will support web data stream in TCP pass-though mode via HTTPS/443; configuration is agnostic to HTTPS data stream.
·       Local DNS conditional logic or split DNS can be used to avoid TLS certificate errors.

o   For example, your local DNS can have a conditional policy, or split DNS policy,  to hand out  “” as the A record for *, so that the fqdn request will continue to match the commonName value in the certificate, resulting in an error-free TLS handshake:

ILB Tier
·       Azure Internal Load Balancer is ideal to provide a single private endpoint which can be used for internal DNS resolution.
o   Private FQDN of ILB can be anything customer needs
o   ILB provides great scale out and 99.95% uptime for a solution
·       ILB has BackEnd pool of “N” NGINX Ubuntu Servers (or use VMSS, not scoped here)
·       ILB will have two front-end rules: 443 for HTTPs, and 5671 for AMPQS
·       ILB uses two TCP probes for each load balancing rule: HTTPS, and AMPQS
·       The ILB Front-End IP should be a static IP and should originate from SUBNET_NGINX

Load-balancing rules:

Load-balancing probes:


·       Can be deployed on RHEL, Debian, Ubuntu, or SuSE
·       Four recommended VM tiers for production, scale UP paradigm (use VMSS for scale-out):
o   Low – Backend pool of 2 D2S_V3 VMs, 2 cores and 8 GB of RAM each
o   Medium – Backend pool of 3 D4S_v3 VMs, 4 cores and 16 GB of RAM each
o   High – Backend pool of 3 F8S VMs, 8 cores and 16 GB of RAM each
o   Ultra – Backend pool of 4 F16s VMs, 16 cores and 32 GB of RAM each
·       NGINX configs are set up to scale worker threads across multiple cores, use epoll kernel extensions, set connection pools again “ulimit –n,” allow instant, new connection handling, and have TCP_NOPUSH enabled.
·       VMSS can also be used as a powerful way to harness auto-scale and workload agility, but this is not scoped here.
·       Service Endpoints Enabled on your NGINX subnet to service “EventHub.”
·       Since Service Endpoints is enabled on your NGINX subnet, you will need NSGs to allow the NGINX subnet to open connections to the NSG Service Tags of Azure Event Hub of your region – see NSG section above.
·       Finally, if you are using a forced tunnel route, this is supported, because the ServiceEndpoint routes in the NGINX Subnet will be more specific that your default gateway route ( Traffic between the NGINX subnet and Eventhub will flow directly over the private NAT tunnel in the Azure fabric. Enable Service Endpoint within NGINX Subnet (Shown as “SUBNET_PROXY” in the below example):

Enable Service Endpoint within NGINX Subnet (Shown as “SUBNET_PROXY” in the below example):
Create a virtual network rule with Portal or Azure Resource Manager templates:

Or via Template:

Testing of Event Hub Solution:

For the lab environment, we tested the following sample application to generate data from the event generator to Event Hub:

We deployed WindTurbineDataGenerator on a Windows 2016 Server with Visual Studio 2017 – A simple publisher that sends wind turbine data to an Event Hub.  You have the option of deploying the entire lab, or you can manually deploy your custom Event Hub from scratch without the other PAAS services and use WindTurbindDataGenerator to stream events to it.  Replace the two constant values below. Use the copied value for EventHubConnectionString. Use tubrinedata the EventHubName.

Sample NGINX Configuration for Event Hub:


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